Kamis, 02 Agustus 2012

Jumat, 27 Juli 2012

You can’t always get what you want !

I have a dream....
I have a lot of wants..
I have so many expectations..

I try my best to achieve them..
I do a huge effort to make them come true..
I sacrifice a lot to get everything in my hands…

Sometimes there are God’s plans..
Sometimes there are God’s wills..
Sometimes there are God’s wants..
Sometimes there are choices..
Sometimes there are ego that will hamper everything..
Sometimes there are many reasons that make it is so hard to reach that dreams..

The point is!!!
We cannot always get what we want!!!
Trust me!! It happens in everyone’s life!!!
Do not expect too much!!
God will give the best one!!
The one and only that will make us amaze Him and His bless..

don’t let yourself down too deep!!
don’t let yourself cry too long!!
don’t let yourself  shatter to pieces!!

There is a big plan from God only for you!
There is an unexpected gifts from God only for you!
There is a secret that you will know in God’s time!

So, be brave, folks!
Keep asking the best from God!
Face everything smartly!
And wait for His time!

Because, you cannot always get what you want,
But, someday, you will realize that you have got what you need..

Kamis, 26 Juli 2012

True love??

until now,,,

Tapi aku masih berharap kalau pasangan ini bakal langgeng terus selamanya. krena, selain aku juga adalahh eheemmm fans berat angelina jolie, aku juga ngeliat kalau mereka itu bener" tulus satu sama lain dan aku pikir itulah cinta. berbagi dan setia.. ^^